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FreQuently asked questions (FAQ)


1. What is ClassACT HR79?


The "ACT" in ClassACT HR79 (CA79) stands for "Achieving Change Together." CA79 seeks to nourish existing connections, and foster new ones, among HR79 classmates working on local, national, and international challenges.


2. Is CA79 politically partisan?


No. We understand that participants will have a variety of political affiliations and personal perspectives.


3. What does it mean to become a CA79 "member"?


Signing up means creating a login on this website, consisting of an email address and a password. Once you log in, you can fill out a brief profile for our directory, and customize your privacy settings and email subscriptions. Start here

Our website calls all classmates "members." You can always register for our events without becoming a member of (creating a login for) of CA79. 


4. What does it cost to sign up?


Nothing; it's free.


5. How do I find out if I've already signed up?


Click the Log in button in the upper right, enter the email that you believe we have, click Forgot password, and follow the prompts. If we have your email on file, you will then be able to log in and edit your profile. If we do not have an email on file for you, start here.


6. How do I unsubscribe from CA79 emails, or view or edit my profile and privacy settings?


Each of our emails includes an easy "unsubscribe" option.

Once you log in, you can: (a) go to the page named Edit my profile, and click Edit your member profile, or (b) in the upper right, below your name, click View profile.

Both of these options take you to a page where you can click Edit Profile to change your personal information, your privacy settings, and your email subscriptions. 

Right now, people signing up for the first time will have "Share profile with others" turned off, and can click to change that. Choose Save when you've finished changing your profile. If you have questions about adjusting your settings or removing your information, send an email to and we will reply with confirmation.

Note: Our website has features that we are not currently using, including invoices and membership applications.


7. What emails will you send me?


After the first CA79 meeting at the 40th Reunion, we sent out Newsletters. We will send an update in 2024.


8. Who decides the future direction of CA79?


Our work together is based on participants' interests. At present, CA79 has an informal steering committee. If you are interested in helping lead CA79, email us at


9. May people outside the Class of HR79 sign up for CA79? 


Anyone can register for an event! Right now our directory sign up is limited to classmates from HR79.

In the past five years, many classes have started Class Act organizations. Class Act HR73 (the first CA) has been taking the lead in coordinating multi-class gatherings  However, each CA has its own structure and goals.


10. How will CA79 use the information that I provide in my profile?


We may use it to send information to people in certain geographic regions or expressing interests in specific topics.

If you prefer not to receive any email from CA79, you can change your those settings by starting here, as described in answer #6.


11. How can I connect with other people who've signed up?


To contact individuals, once you log in, you can view and search a directory of everyone else who has signed up and allowed their profiles to be shared with other CA79 participants.

Further connecting opportunities will be announced  as we resume sending our Newsletter.


12. What is CA79’s relationship with Harvard and the Harvard Alumni Association (HAA)?


CA79 is independent of Harvard and the HAA. CA79 does not share your profile information with HAA; for details about how we protect your information, see answer #6.

HAA often provides valuable assistance reaching out to Harvard alumni. CA79 sends its news to the HR Class Notes and encourages our participants to contribute to them also.


13. How can I suggest project ideas, offer skills to share, or bring an existing project to my classmates’ attention?


For now, project ideas can be discussed at CA79 meetings or shared directly with CA79's steering committee by emailing us at If working groups begin using informal channels (such as Slack, Discord, Telegram, Band, and others) they will post details on this site's discussion page so that new participants can contact them.


14. Does CA79 collaborate with other HR ClassACTs?


Yes. We are benefitting from ClassACT HR73’s materials and the example of the work they began in 2013. Other HR classes are also creating their own ClassACTs, and we have begun to collaborate with them as well.


15. What’s the best way to contact CA79 leadership directly?


You can email us at and we will reply within three days. 

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